Friday, June 27, 2008

My Bad

I guess I've been a flake with my blog, but it's not really my fault. I almost got taken out by some random waves and broke my camera in the process. Who likes to read a blog that doesn't have any pictures? I got a new camera, so maybe I'll get up to speed. I've been working, I rode my bike to Santa Cruz from the city and other places, I hiked Half Dome, and went to Montana to see my bro and go to the Goat FEaST. Here's a pic of me shooting guns and drinking a Bud in "Man"tana. Good times.


ryan said...
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sweet said...

mom's totally stoked about the recent influx of kids with guns!

ice cream barrels said...

pappas, huh...what is up?
you me and maio need ot play some hoop...i am going to truly school ya'll this time