Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Not Cool!

On Friday on my way into work I was riding down 8th Street to my car when a old POS van went tearing across 8th from one of the side streets to beat the traffic and obviously didn't see me. I was riding pretty fast because to lights on 8th are timed and didn't have much time to react. The driver saw me at the last second and stopped right in front of me, probably thinking that was the right thing, causing me to vear towards a car and the curb with no chance of turning back towards the street. I was going down hard. lucky for me I have 10+ years of skateboarding behind me and if theres one thing I have learned it's how to fall and cause the least amount of damage. Just before I hit the curb I jumped off my bike over the handle bars and did a flip and twist, as did my bike, landing on my back looking at the van, I yelled some nasty comment as the driver mashed away not even waiting for me to hit the ground. What the hell is wrong with people? A man helped me up also cursing at the driver and I was suprised to find that I only cut up my elbow, a big srcap on my hip, and a pulled growing. My Bob wasn't as lucky as my front fork is bent back quite a bit and although ridable, will have to be fixed and wont be cheap. I rode to work in pain and bummed out but I'm better now. If the person in the old orange molester van should read this, you suck and I would love to give you a beat down.


ma said...

You scare me! I hope you are ok. This is a awful experience. Please ride more slowly. Like a grandma would be good! Sorry to hear about Bob!

Lori Huneke said...

awww ry! im sorry! damn...