Went up to Portland for the winter beer festival and drank some good beer and also some bad beer. All together it was pretty awesome.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Went up to Portland for the winter beer festival and drank some good beer and also some bad beer. All together it was pretty awesome.
Saturday, October 11, 2008

So I finished 35th out of about 400 people. I was 3rd in my age group of 24. My final time was 1:31:48, which is a lot better than I thought I would do. I kept up with the Forward Motion team until the end of the run because thats not my strongest part. During the bike ride the team was giving me a ton of props for how well I was doing. I'm pretty happy and am excited to train for more next year.
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Registered for my next triathlon. Its going to be on September, 21 at Shadow Cliffs. This one is going to be competitive with placings and medals and all that crap, which means I'll probably get kicked in the face way more times during the swim. This one is 700 meters swimming, 20 miles biking, and 4 miles running. Its just that much bigger than the last one to scare me into training more than I probably need to, but what the hell. I can't wait to be placed and see how bad or great I did.
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Not Cool!
On Friday on my way into work I was riding down 8th Street to my car when a old POS van went tearing across 8th from one of the side streets to beat the traffic and obviously didn't see me. I was riding pretty fast because to lights on 8th are timed and didn't have much time to react. The driver saw me at the last second and stopped right in front of me, probably thinking that was the right thing, causing me to vear towards a car and the curb with no chance of turning back towards the street. I was going down hard. lucky for me I have 10+ years of skateboarding behind me and if theres one thing I have learned it's how to fall and cause the least amount of damage. Just before I hit the curb I jumped off my bike over the handle bars and did a flip and twist, as did my bike, landing on my back looking at the van, I yelled some nasty comment as the driver mashed away not even waiting for me to hit the ground. What the hell is wrong with people? A man helped me up also cursing at the driver and I was suprised to find that I only cut up my elbow, a big srcap on my hip, and a pulled growing. My Bob wasn't as lucky as my front fork is bent back quite a bit and although ridable, will have to be fixed and wont be cheap. I rode to work in pain and bummed out but I'm better now. If the person in the old orange molester van should read this, you suck and I would love to give you a beat down.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
I flew to Salt Lake on Sunday to visit with grandma, Charles, Shannon, mom, and Kevin. I was hoping to go out to eat when I got there but they already went to lunch. Instead I had a bunch of string cheese and a beer. It was great to see everyone for 5 hours and then fly back. The visit was worth flying back and forth in one day.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
No Way
I park my car in Petreo Hill because there is no permit to park there, then I just ride my bike to and from my car when I need it. I was riding my bike back to my house today with a bag filled with crap, just riding along, when some big buff dude on a mountain bike rode up next to me and gave me a dirty look. I gave a friendly biker smile and dude starts trying to race me into downtown. Are you serious I ask myself. If you know me well enough then you know I can get a little out of control and reckless when biking and there is no way I will let someone pass me, especially on a mountain bike, that just ain't going to happen. So I rode slowly for a couple blocks to amuse him and I even let him get in front of me for a block because he was putting in so much effort(he had clip-ins so he had a shot). Then I decided that was enough and passed him at Howard, then looked back at Mission an dude was pounding on his handle bars and swearing. So the moral is, if your on a mountain bike, don't try to show me up on the street, that just wont happen. I'm kind of a snob. Especially on my Bob
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Went up to Fair Oaks this weekend to hang out with Steve, Susie, and Alicia as kind of a joint birth"fun"day. It was a lot of fun. went kayaking, because they were out of canoes. Did a bunch of swimming and just hung out. Went out to dinner and drove back. Thanks for a good time everyone. Heres me and Steve enjoying each others company.
Friday, June 27, 2008
My Bad
I guess I've been a flake with my blog, but it's not really my fault. I almost got taken out by some random waves and broke my camera in the process. Who likes to read a blog that doesn't have any pictures? I got a new camera, so maybe I'll get up to speed. I've been working, I rode my bike to Santa Cruz from the city and other places, I hiked Half Dome, and went to Montana to see my bro and go to the Goat FEaST. Here's a pic of me shooting guns and drinking a Bud in "Man"tana. Good times.
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
I deleted dads phone number from my phone tonight. It was a very hard thing to do, but I knew it was going to happen eventually. It might seem weird that I've called his phone at least twice a month since but it made me feel like I was making a effort to stay in touch. The number was always out of service until tonight when it went to someones voice mail. I feel bad doing this, but I made a spoke card from my favorite picture of him and me and now he's with me every day when i ride my bike and that makes me happy.
Monday, January 21, 2008
back to work
I was released form disability by the doctors today and go back to work tomorrow. My wrist feels much better but my ankle is pretty messed up. What the hell is wrong with me? Why am I always hurting myself? Don't even think about telling me that I'm getting to old for this sh*t. I want to skateboard and ride my bike and train for the marathon or whatever. Damn it.
One great weekend
This was a great weekend. It felt really good to hang out with all my friends. It all started on Thursday night. went to go see Dan Deacon at Great American Music Hall with Derek and some other skating friends. This was such a good show. It was so interactive, everyone was part of the show. The show was really late and I missed the last BART train, then missed the last 29 bus and walk form Geary to mid outer sunset. In the morning went home and picked up my bro at the airport, then went to pick up my sister and drive to the cabin for Lori's birthday party. had a great time for the first 5 hours until i slipped on some ice and sprained my ankle super bad. I was stuck in the cabin for the next day and a half but it was never boring with everyone there. Then drove back Sunday afternoon, went to the city for Christians show, which was good as always but short due to lack of violin. It was great to see everyone, especially Adam. It was a great weekend and would love to do it again once I've had a couple months to rest.
Friday, January 4, 2008
how great is this rain? i hate it because i can't ride my bike or skateboard or even go outside, but we've needed this for quite a while. i was watching the news and all these people were all pissed off because they needed to get sand bags and they might have some water damage to thier stuff, but come on, if we didn't get this we would be in a drought for sure this year. i'm not saying that we still wont be, but this rain doesn't hurt. i think it's great and i will willingly give up riding my bike for the weekend for the rain. i'm sorry for all the people that are in car accidents, but we need this.
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